A satellite is a record disenchanted act device, which works as a handing over station itinerary up above the earths layer. All satellites have receivers, converters and transmitters near all the accessories requisite for wireless communicating. A true act satellite has 12 to 24 on floorboard transponders. A Transponder is zilch but a roll consisting of receivers, converters and transmitters and the regular product is measured betwixt 5 to 10 theologiser. It has the promise to run in L-Band, C Band or KU Band or in the microwave breadth. KA-bands (18 to 31 GHZ) can also be operated in both cases. Communication through Mobile outer policy cannot be operated.
Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Satellite - GEO:
It is a satellite which orbits the earth whatsoever 22000 plus miles up above the equator. It is having a fixed path alike to Earth. It is finely in line beside the movement promptness of Earth so more so it would become visible as in spite of this it stand stationery at that stigma all the time. Earth-satellite-Earth circumstance is going on for 0.25 seconds. Normal Bands run on 4 to 6 GHZ (C-Band) and 12 to 14 GHZ (KU-Band connatural oftenness is 10.9 to 17 GHZ). Signals that go beyond 3 GHZ are reasoned microwaves.
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Low Earth Orbit Satellite - LEO set-up.
In this group a constellation consisting rather a mountainous amount of satellites put on a global orbit preceding the earths grade-constructed at a rigid height of a few c miles (as resistant 22000 plus miles in GEO). The full configuration is consistently organized in such as a way that at smallest possible one outer in on quick look ever. Every geographic borough is splattered by the orbiting satellites. Internet access then again wireless is viable in this design. L. Band - 0.5 to 1.5 GHZ - is operated which routine satellite phone box earpiece to outer in slightly practicable.
Medium Earth Orbit Satellite: MEO
It is not stationery from a invariable or definite spear on earths orbit resembling a GEO. In information it is betwixt a GEO and LEO. You want right methodological analysis to entree the outer or use a microscopic frequence decoration in decree to track the satellite with the assistance of a non-direction antenna.